Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Can you believe we've finished three books already? (Of course, we could consider that we have 63 to go. But we won't.)

Here's some of the background information I have on Leviticus:

The NLT Study Bible says " Leviticus enabled ancient Israel to live in relationship with a holy God. But what do laws governing ancient Israel's system of worship, with its priests and animal sacrifices, have to do with us? Jesus Christ became our High Priest and ultimate sacrifice, thereby fulfilling many of these requirements. Yet Leviticus is important to us today because it increases our understanding of God's holiness. God's demand for those who know Him remains the same: 'I am the LORD your God...You must be holy because I am holy' (11:44-45; 1 Peter 1:15-16) " p192

My little book of fabulous information says: The key concept in Leviticus is holiness--being set apart for God's service and being different from the world by obeying God's commands.
When reading Leviticus, we should marvel at the intimacy of the use of God's names. Yahweh appears 311 times and all 52 occurrences of Elohim show the personal covenant relationship of God to His people: "your God" is used 40 times, "his God" is used 8 times, and "their God" is used 4 times.
Finally, Leviticus may be viewed as a book about atonement--the provision of access to God for sinful man. (14-15)

Can I get an amen on that? I have not thought of this book as a book of atonement. Hopefully, carrying this view in my head will help me with the more repetitive parts or the icky parts. (Like the "rip the head off the bird but not all the way" parts.)

1 comment:

  1. I knew there had to be something good about fat-The Lord understands that this is what makes the meat both smell and taste so good!
