Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Prayer Request Wednesday

We need to figure out a catchy title. Anyway, here goes: (as always, if you know of a request or need, please feel free to let me know.)

Bev's surgery is scheduled for May 14th. (which seems a long way off to her.) She is also scheduled to see a neurologist because her cardiologist thinks she may be having small seizures. She also is having difficulty sleeping. Please pray for healing, peace, strength and comfort for her in the days ahead.

Katie is headed off to Disney World today. Pray for safe travel and a most wonderful, happy time.
Michelle and her family are dealing with a major family crisis right now. Pray for wisdom, patience, strength and faith for her and her family.

While Stellan is home and doing well, his mama put up a post asking for prayer requests. As of this morning, there were 536 requests on it. That's a lot of hurting people. If you have an opportunity, please stop by and pray for a few that were mentioned.

It's Mother's Day this weekend. Oddly enough, this can be a very difficult or complicated day for a lot of people. While last week was National Infertility Awareness week, please pray for the women who are longing to become mothers and for one reason or another are unable to do so. Also, please pray for those who have lost their mothers and those who have "difficult" relationships with their mothers.

National Day of Prayer is tomorrow. Beth Moore will be the honorary spokesperson for the event. The website has so many ways that we can pray for our nation, military, media, businesses, education, churches and our families. I encourage you to stop by there and see how you can pray. Also, please lift Beth up tomorrow as she participates in the event.

The Freeman's are hoping to bring Kayleigh home so she can spend her last days this side of heaven in her earthly home. Pray that everything would fall into place so that this might occur.

Annette is (hopefully) enjoying wedding planning for her daughter Lindsay. Pray that it will go smoothly and that she will enjoy this time with her daughter.

My daughter is having some health issues and we are unable to see the doctor until the 20th. Please pray for healing, patience, and a simple, easy resolution to her problem.

My heart has been moved by the work that Compassion does around the world. Whether you sponsor a child or not, would you commit to pray for them and their work?

Father, there are so many needs all around us in these days. But Lord, we know that You are enough to satisfy our needs. We thank You for the blessings that You have given us and we ask that we might have not only Your eyes to see the needs around us but also Your heart to react to those needs. We are so grateful that You are gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. You truly are not only our strength but our song. We love You so, dear Lord.


  1. I love your heart in your remembrance of women who would love to be mothers, as well as those who struggle with the holiday. I am lifting up my sisters here this morning! (And yes, we're enjoying the wedding plans so far, thank you Lord.) Please pray this evening as my other daughter travels back to England for the last and hardest part of her classes.

    Thanks, Karen, for placing the needs before us and allowing us the opportunity to pray for one another.

    Love you, Annette G

  2. Karen,

    Thanks for praying for me and the 8th graders as we ventured to DC. I felt the prayers of prayer warriors very strongly last week!!!

    Please pray that I can get caught up on my Bible reading!!! I feel so bad, not only that I am behind but all those days I am behind represents days I have not spent time in the word. This time of year is so hectic, but all the more reason for me to be spending time with Him!

    Thanks for Prayer Request Wednesday!!!!

