Wednesday, May 20, 2009


There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful than that of a continual conversation with God. --Brother Lawrence

I am so grateful that I can bring life's troubles to my God at any time, anywhere. And I am even more grateful that He already knows, that He is never surprised, and in all things He is working for the good of those who love Him.

Bev found out yesterday that she has cancer in some of her lymph nodes and will be needing more surgery. She is meeting with her surgeon and oncologist today. Please pray for strength, wisdom, peace and healing. And if you have a moment, please drop by and leave her an encouraging word.

My daughter has a doctor's appointment today to try and get some answers about a health issue she has been having. Jessi struggles with anxiety and sometimes trips to the doctor can trigger a panic attack. We have some strong concerns about what might be affecting her health so I'm asking that you would pray for an anxiety free visit, wisdom, answers, and healing.

Annette's friend Cathy began chemo yesterday for stage IV cancer. Please lift her up as she walks this difficult road. We know that words like "stage IV" do not keep our God from healing. He not only promises to guide us always but to strengthen our frames. (I love that scripture!)

Annette's daughter is also struggling with some school issues. She asks that we would pray for confidence, strength and "a hug from God since her mom is so far away." Nothing weighs heavier on a mom's heart than when one of her children is struggling. No matter how old they are.

Beth and her family are trying to adopt a princess and there are so many obstacles in their path that they seem insurmountable. Please pray that God will move mountains, that Maria will get the care that she needs and will be able to join the family she has fallen in love with.

Ang's nephew had a couple of seizures and his family are trying to decide what needs to be done. Please pray for wisdom and the mighty presence of the LORD as they figure out the details.

There are many families dealing with job situations right now. Some have lost jobs, some have had wages cut, some have had their jobs changed. Please be in prayer for the different families you know who are dealing with job uncertainties.

While I try to avoid politics on my blogs, I have to say that I have deep concerns about where our nation is headed. I'm not talking about leadership in this instance, I am talking about how easily is seems that our nation is turning away from God. Replacing God with anything and everything. My heart is so burdened about this. (and frightened. Because I remember what God said about nations who turn their backs on Him.) I think we need to pray daily that our nation will seek His face and return to Him.

Father, there is such a need for healing today. Whether it be physical, emotional or spiritual. Lord, I would ask that You move in each of these situations, that You would bring Your healing touch to each one. You are our strength, our salvation in times of distress. Help us to lean fully upon You.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for a safe place to pray together and lift each other up. I pray again for Jessi's healing and peace as I type, and for God to intervene mightily on each of these requests. Already praising Him for my daughter taking her final today (wasn't sure she was going) and her lesson to us all today. 90% of it was just showing up. God takes care of the rest. Love, Annette
