Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Grant that I may not pray alone with my mouth; help me that I may pray from the depths of my heart. -- Martin Luther

Here are just a few of the needs/praises that I am aware of:

The Freemans as they mourn the loss of their daughter and yet rejoice that she is completely whole now.

Bev's cancer surgery is Thursday the 14th. Please pray that she will have peaceful days leading up to the surgery. Pray for the surgeons as they operate and pray for Bev's healing and rapid recovery.

Noah is in the hospital and continues to baffle his doctors. (Is there nothing sadder than an ill toddler who does not understand why everybody keeps poking and hurting him?) Please pray for wisdom, healing and patience.

I am actually in Nashville today (posting on Tuesday) for an awards/anniversary chapel. I am celebrating my 21st year with LifeWay. Anyway, we are traveling home Wednesday and would appreciate your prayers for safe travel.

There are a lot of moms in transition at the moment. Graduations, Proms, Weddings, Jobs, Moving and so forth. Speaking for myself, being a mom is what has defined me for 21 years. While I will still be a mom, it will be different. I struggle with who I am supposed to be now. Please pray that God will guide our steps for the days ahead (and that we might be alert/sensitive enough to see where He is leading.) And that we might savor everyday that we have with our children.

Lastly, I would ask that you pray that each one of us would have such a hunger for God. For His Word. For a true relationship with Him. That He would be our center. It's so easy to lose focus these days. I want my eyes fixed on Him and nothing else. And I want this for you as well.

Praying for each one of you...


  1. I'm starting to feel that strange sweet love you feel for someone you don't know when you pray for them. I also pray for you, Karen, as God reveals the next phase of your life as mom and wife and daughter of the King. Congratulations on twenty-one years of service in Christian retail. Safe travel, much blessing, and hugs, Annette G

  2. I'm praying in agreement for us to have a more intense hunger for Him and for Him to be our center! I need Him more today than I did yesterday. It seems I take one step forward and two steps backwards lately! 21 years! Wow... that's a long time! I'm proud of you and oh, so inspired! I'm honored to have you as my friend!
    Love you,
    Angie xoxo
