Tuesday, January 27, 2009

something to mull over...

Here are some thoughts on Job from the book Adventuring Through the Bible by Ray Stedman:

The third section of the Old Testament consists of five poetical books: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon. These books reflect the sorrow and the joy of our lives and our relationships with God. In these books you find the sigh, the exultation, the anger, the contentment, the tears, and the laughter of the human experience. These books are the music of scripture. (I love that phrase.)

Job is the cry of the human spirit, the deep cry of someone who desperately struggles to trust in God when everything in life is crumbling. When suffering reaches such a white-hot intensity that life itself seems senseless, then one's only recourse is to cling to God in faith. Humanity was made to believe in God. p239. (oh, doesn't that touch your heart?)


  1. I've thought so much about Job through each day, as I feel for his loss, his pain, his struggle with his friends. Ultimately he knew his struggle was with God. He had to cling, and he had to trust. And that he did. I love the way he takes his case before the Lord, and asks the Source of everything his questions about why. And you know something even more amazing? He never knew why, this side of heaven. I love that last line "Humanity was made to believe in God." He has set eternity in our hearts. Love you, Annette

  2. "Humanity was made to believe in God."

    Sounds like Pascal with the "God-shaped vacuum."

    How true it is. What would life mean without Him?


    HEART OF A READY WRITER – Reading Through the Bible in 2009

  3. Karen,
    I hope you are with electricity. We spent a cold night at home, but we are warming up at my stepdaughter's house today.
    Please don't forget to post February's reading schedule this week. Thanks!

  4. What a wonderful summation of Job. I read several chapters of Job while sitting at the ER the other day, never dreaming my earthly father would depart for his heavenly home within a couple of hours.

    My father was suffering so physcially in a body which had broken down and betrayed him and never uttered any complaints other than he was tired of being sick. He never asked why God why or any thing of the sort because he knew God is the Father of Lights, Who gives perfect gifts...he knew our Redeemer Lives!

    Love, Annette
