I kept thinking I was missing something this week. The chapters seemed so short and it seemed like there really hadn't been enough time to gather my thoughts. Then I realized that it was short. We began four days ago. (count it as a blonde moment and move on.) Regardless, several things caught my eye and my heart this week.
And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it He rested from all the work of creating that He had done. Genesis 2:3
I ponder the concept of "sabbath" a lot. All last year as we read, God instructed His people time and time again that the Sabbath was a day to be honored. To be kept holy. I still struggle with what that actually means. While I would love the idea of an enforced "day of rest", I tell myself that it is not practical or perhaps even impossible. There are too many demands in today's time. God surely understands. The thing is, I'm not sure He does. Most of the actual demands on my time on the Sabbath are caused by my laziness or inattention during the week rather than an actual need. Things like laundry and ironing. Things that don't get done during the week because I'd rather read, watch t.v. or blog. Things that eventually have to be done and often find themselves being finished late on Sunday because I was not a good steward of my time during the week. I still ponder the sabbath. I'd be interested in knowing your thoughts.
When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Genesis 3:6
As I read this verse, the thing that immediately struck my heart was how attractive sin appeared. It was good for food and pleasing to the eye. Sin often looks attractive in the beginning. Honestly, if sin looked like the little green Mucinex guy on the commercials, it would be so much easier to resist. God gave Adam and Eve a direct command. He also provided them with everything they could ever want. Yet, it wasn't enough. And while it is easy for me to be condemning and self righteous, if I stop and think about it, God has given me direct instructions...and He has anticipated my every need. Yet, it isn't enough. Sin still looks pleasing to my eye.
As we entered chapter five, we started reading one of the things that often gets me sidetracked. I struggle with names of who begat who and who lived in unpronounceable lands and so forth. So sometimes my mind wanders. (I know that's a shock to you.) However, I love how God inserts something so sweet and fascinating in this chapter. We're reading about Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel (I practiced saying that one out loud.), and Jared. Then, we find Enoch. Enoch walked with God 300 years. Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away. Genesis 5:24. I love stuff like that. It thrills my heart to know that Enoch was so loved by God that He took him away. He (Enoch) walked with Him for 300 years! I have no desire to live 300 years, but I long to have someone say at the end of my days, that I walked with God. (and having Him take me away might not be such a bad deal either.)
The final thing that caught my eye was a portion of a sentence inserted in the middle of a story as old as time. Genesis 11 finds man deciding to build a tower to the heavens. (Obviously they needed a hobby.) It was their reason that caught my attention. They were building this thing so that we may make a name for ourselves...(v4) Why do we do things? I have to be very careful to do things with the proper motive. Too often I do things because I want to be liked. I find myself agreeing to things or getting involved in things because I want to make people happy. To make a name for myself. I guess it reminds me that even the best of things can be spoiled with the wrong motive. (not that building the tower was the best of things.)
Well, hopefully all this made sense to you. (The basketball game is on in the background and my team is playing poorly. Not that I'm listening. Okay, so they are not playing poorly. They lost.) Anyway, I'd love to hear what caught your heart this week.
Sunday evening works better for me too. I struggled today with knowing there was stuff around the house for me to do, but just too tired (due to a bad night) to do it. So even though I was resting, I was not "in rest". It is as you said, if I would have done the stuff earlier in the week....
ReplyDeleteI loved what you said about the Sabboth! And I am totally guilty here too! That being said, as a full-time working single mom, I don't really get any days off. But I do spend a lot of time relaxing and working on my Bible study or reading on Sunday. Today I worked on Esther most of the afternoon.
A true Sabbath is a struggle for me as well, yet I know I need it more than I realize. God's provision as He sewed leaves together to clothe Adam and Eve, and His grieved heart in Gen. 6:6 both touched me this week as we read so far.How God placed a bookmark in eternity and created a beginning for us etches my heart with His love for us. Already so good...can't wait to see where we venture deeper in Him this year. Love, AnnetteG
ReplyDeleteI heard a sermon today about the Sabbath. We are to rest in Him, not cram in 6 days of errands, laundry, and housework...rest/abide/remain and commune with Him...wonder if I have ever really done that?
ReplyDeleteLove, Annette H
I have thought a lot about how I honor or don't honor the Sabbath and something struck me as I read your post, Karen, that really hadn't struck me before...or if it did,I don't remember. When God gives us a commandment or urges us to do something, it is for our own good. It's to prosper us and not harm us. It's in our best interest. I think about the circumcision of babies at 8 days old and how today we do it right away but have to give the babies something (think it's vitamin K) to make their blood clot, where whatever it is we're giving them occurs naturally in the body at 7-8 days. I just think that is miraculous. So, I wonder if we truly rested on the Sabbath, for the right reason, to honor God and the day and to be obedient, I wonder if we would have more motivation, more energy, more desire to do the things during the week that we put off? I don't know, I just wonder?
ReplyDeleteI spent a lot of time thinking about Gen. 11:5-7 and wondering about God's remarks there. I don't have a blog to post my thoughts on, and posting them here would make this too long!
Thanks for the place to come post, Karen.
Love, Jean M
okay, Jean, now I'm dying to know what you were thinking about Genesis 11. don't worry about the length of anything on here. (believe me, I can be wordy.) Please, share your thoughts with us!
ReplyDeleteEnoch walked with Him for 300 years! That's a LONG time! I love my new Bible. I love how it doesn't have one pen mark. It feels so fresh! I love His Word! You made me think about the Sabbath. Jean, your comment really made me think as well! Wow! I bet we could be more efficient during the week if we took Sundays more seriously. I tend to use it to prepare for my week. I need to manage my time better, too! Thanks for sharing your insights! This is GREAT!
ReplyDeleteLove to you all!
Angie xoxo
The last comment was from me, By faith...angbaylis. I don't know why it posted it this way! Hey, I wanted to also share with you all that when I bought my Bible, my husband wanted me to buy him a chronological Bible, too! I think last year he was watching me! I'm SO excited about what God is doing! This is HUGE! He is SO good!
ReplyDeleteAngie xoxo
ReplyDeleteI'll be praying for him as well. I love how God works! (by the way, is anybody else freaked out by how this new posting thing works?)
Had the same blonde moment over here...
ReplyDeleteI ponder the word sabbath. We live in a celebrity society, a grand society. There's always been a gold rush to be somebody. If you've arrived at my age and you are not notable, notorious or known---what happened? If your kids didn't turn out right, if you don't have a successful ministry, if you don't have friends, what do you have? If we have a Sabbath that we honor in our hearts, a rest most know not, then we have arrived in our journey to a place most know not. I'll never write a book or make a dvd but I have entered a place of rest that I never dreamed of. Rest in the midst of suffering. Sabbath that calls to me from my glorious LORD, the ONE Who breathed life into everything and holds me together. HE has held me together before and holds me together this sabbath as I put my hand to the plow with tears streaming down from how I was treated. Held by an Almighty God! Oh well, that's my musings for this midnight. Just got back from Houston and got my second wind when I read your blog. Lots of love, bev
Keeping God's Sabbath day can be a test of faith. As I point out in a recent discussion about the weekly Sabbath in my blog, there seems to be a connection between faith and the Sabbath commandment that does not exist with the other commandments to the same degree. For example, many societies that do not have widespread knowledge of the Bible are able to figure out that it is wrong to murder, to commit adultery, to steal, to bear false witness, etc. But man would not know about the Sabbath except through the word of God. So it takes faith in God's Word to properly keep the Sabbath.
ReplyDeleteGod used the Sabbath to test ancient Israel to know if they would believe Him and obey Him (Exodus 16:4-5), and likewise it can be a test of faith to keep God's Sabbath and trust God to help us get our required work done in the rest of the week.
Saw many of the same things you did and even asked some of the same questions especially about Jacob and Essau. Thanks for the thought provoking questions!
ReplyDeleteI am also posting from my readings. www.lisasmithblog.com