Monday, April 13, 2009

While I have things to say about this past week's readings, I feel compelled to take this post in a different direction today. My heart has been burdened for several of ya'll recently and I just wanted to take a moment to ask that you pray for one another. Because we are family. So, if you have an extra moment or two, please lift these sisters up in prayer.

This past week, Bev received news that she has breast cancer. While this would be a struggle in and of itself, Bev and her husband moved to a new city last fall. I think to some degree they are still settling in and figuring out who, what and where. She is asking that we pray for the right team of doctors and that she would be able to rest at night.

Sheryl mentioned recently that her husband lost his job. As far as I know, he is still looking for work. Would you lift Sheryl and her family up as they wait upon the Lord?

I know that Yvonne is finishing up a school year (with students who want to be anywhere but in school!), Annette has been dealing with family illness and injury, Annette has taken on the role of encourager in some difficult situations, Mary Jane will soon be taking a much anticipated vacation, and I'm sure that there are many other situations that I am not aware of or forgot to mention. (Please feel free to email me if you have a prayer request. And if you don't want it broadcast to the entire Internet, let me know that as well.) Anyway, I know nothing brings me more comfort in difficult times than knowing that I am being covered in prayer so please lift these sisters up as you have time.

You are a blessing!


  1. We are family indeed. I am praying already for some of these requests, some are new to me, and I lift you up too, Karen this morning in my prayers. I already feel a buoying tide. Blessings this week to each of you. Love, Annette G

  2. Thank you for sharing the prayer requests. I only knew about Bev. I have a button on my blog to remind us to be praying for her.

  3. I'll pray for all of these sisters in Christ! I'm praying for you, too! You are so sweet to interrupt your regular post to pray for your friends!
    Love you,
    Angie xoxo

  4. Thank you for this post!!! It made me cry. Yes, my students would rather be any where else than here, especially during testing week!! We are gearing up fot he 8th grade trip, so that adds an element of excitement and distraction!! Please pray for us as we prepare and leave on April 25.

    I have and will continue to life up these prayer requests. What an awesome thing to be able to lift up sisters in Christ, even if we don't know each other personally!!!

  5. Thank you lifting my sisters up in prayer. I will have this week's post up later today and will have missing posts up sometime this week...

    Between the ER last weekend and mom this week (don't mean that to sound like a complaint)I am running behind in reading and posting...Alzheimer's can be quite challenging.

    Love, Annette H
