Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Prayer requests

One way that we continue to build on our relationship with God is through prayer. I am honored and blessed to have the opportunity to pray for you all. I hope that as you have time, you will continue to pray for one another as well. These are the needs that I am aware of this week. As always, if you have a request that isn't mentioned here, please leave it in the comments or send me an email.

Bev--she has three doctors appointments today (Wednesday) as she begins her battle with cancer. Please continue to pray for healing, strength, comfort, patience, and contentment. She also mentioned a praise that her son proposed to his girlfriend so they have a wedding in their future!

Both Annette and Annette are apparently battling torrential rains in their area of the nation and Annette has some flooding in her house. Oh, Annette's got a wedding in her future as well.

Continue to remember Sheryl and her family as her husband is still looking for work. She has a beautiful post here about being thankful in all things. Ahead of time.

Ang is asking for some peace and comfort from our Father (and maybe a little reassurance as well.)

Yvonne is still in Washington with an abundance of eighth grade girls (and boys.) They should be heading back in the next few days. Pray for safe travel, sanity, and spiritual growth as they finish up their trip.

The Freemans are grieving and making very difficult decisions right now.

The Compassion Bloggers have so much to say. You can see their thoughts and requests here, here, and here.

Stellan is home! Praise Jesus!

My boy is headed to the windy city on Friday for a "field trip." (Does anybody remember when field trips consisted of the zoo or McDonald's? Yes, I really did take a field trip to McDonald's when I was in kindergarten. First hamburger I ever ate. Probably the best tasting hamburger I ever ate as well. But I digress.) Anyhoo, he will be gone about 36 hours and I'm asking for safe travel and just a general good time for him. (I'd ask for memorable but I'm afraid of what might happen. Ask me whose child set off the metal detectors in Washington DC and got pulled out of line by the homeland security people? Not my child. No sirree. Oh, and the metal? It was a dime. Seems he didn't think they really meant it when they told him to empty his pockets.)

I'm praying for each of you this day. Blessings!


  1. Thank you, Karen! I'll be praying for all of you and appreciate your prayers as well! You are SO funny, remembering your field trip to McDonald's!
    Angie xoxo

  2. No kidding about the field trips. It is an honor to pray for you and my sisters. Thank you for taking the time to post needs and remind us to take these matters to the Father. Love and prayers, A

  3. Just stopped by and so humbled that you would post a prayer request for me. God is so present. Got your card today and it meant so much! Love, Bev
